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The Jasmine Wright Brand

The Wrighter

Hello again! This blog post is long overdue. My last post was about my experience in Ireland at the Inchydony Island Lodge and Spa in Cork, Ireland. Although I miss everything about Ireland (including the 35 minute walk to class), it feels good to be back at home.

If you were unaware, I am currently a second semester senior at Illinois Wesleyan University, pursuing a degree in English with a Writing Concentration. Since December (when I landed in the States), I have been applying to several companies to get a head start on my career. It took me four years of high school to realize I wanted to be an English major, and it took me three years of college to realize that Digital Marketing and Communications is my passion. What better way to combine my love of English, writing, creativity, and technology than to pursue a career that focuses on just that?

I may as well cut to the chase and tell you why I'm really making this blog post: I need to make my brand more concrete. My LinkedIn profile gives a great summary of my experiences in college, studying abroad, and some past internships, but it doesn't properly display my creative side or my portfolio. So, I have dedicated this blog post to do just that.

While interning at an agent's office at State Farm and working on the Marketing and Communications team at YMCA of Metropolitan Chicago are some of my favorite highlights of my experience in Digital Marketing and professional writing, I usually don't mention my YouTube channel or my experience as a blogger for Luv Talk. My YouTube channel (which desperately needs some attention) is a mix of everything I find interesting. From hair advice for women with a head full of curls to my obsession for planning and organization, my YouTube channel is my favorite outlet for my creativity. Luv Talk, on the other hand, is a blog for women to receive advice on relationships from experts and gain knowledge on how to have healthy relationships. This short experience helped me get outside of my comfort zone; I had never written anything so personal, nor had I had much experience choosing any topic I wanted to write about creatively.

The Jasmine Wright brand uniquely and creatively showcases my abilities as a blogger, vlogger, experienced writer, and future Digital Marketing professional.



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